Zita's Little World

Just a random series of thoughts that run through my head.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Stupid Quiz- Distractions welcome!

1. What do people tend to label you as (i.e., Chav (townie) Prep, trendy, punk, Goth, mambo, skater etc):
hmm...don't know. probably "Lazy dresser". Or casual.

2. Do you choose to label yourself (if you do, what as?): I label myself as Zita. It works for me. Labels are dumb.

3. Describe your dress sense: Whatever is clean. if I'm in a skirt, it's time to do laundry.

4. What are you wearing right now: Pink PJs and a ball cap.

5. What jewellery are you wearing: None. Not a jewellery person.

6. What are you most known for wearing: bandanas or ball caps.

7. Do you belong to a particular clique? Does a sorority count. If so, yes- but only vicariously at this point.

8. Friends wise – do you hang around with people who dress the same as you? I hang around with guys. So yes, but no.

9. What particular clothes style do you hate and why: Bar Star clothes. Don't know why. Drives me nuts. Cover yourselves up, ladies!

10. Describe your hair: A stawberry-blonde curly mop when it's not in pigtails or a pony tail. Sometimes I straighten it, but usually I'm too lazy.

11. Do you take pride in your appearance? Sometimes. When there's a reason to care. I am fully capable of cleaning up.

12. Would you say you were straight, gay or bi? While I believe that the mass population is biologically bi-sexual, I would classify myself as straight in terms of the social contstructions of gender preference.

13. What is your attitude to gay relationships if you’re straight? Totally natural. Biologically predisposed.

14. Do you know anyone who is gay or bi? Sure do.

15. Who? Ha. Things NOT to post on your blog.

16. Have you ever had a sexual experience with someone of the same sex? Depends on what you mean by sexual I guess. Tasha and I did have fun with a Viking hat lately :P

17. Are you currently in a relationship? no.

18. If your answer is no – do you want to be? no. Which means I will likely find myself in one soon. I just work that way.

19. Do you have a specific type in guys (or girls)? I most certainly do.

20. What kind of people will you NOT go out with? People who can't hold their own in a conversation

21. What kind of people would you LOVE to go out with? Intelligent and witty people. I am also attracted to musicians as a rule of thumb, and people involved in politics.

22. Do you have crushes (if so, who are they :::describe:::): not really. I'm too old and jaded for crushes.

23. What song makes you feel most romantic? Tangerine. Led Zeppelin

24. What’s your age limit (you won’t go out with people older than…)? 23. And even then, that's pushing it. I try to stick to men my age or older.

25. Would you go out with people younger than you? I have. I usually regret it.

26. Are you in love? Love is overrated.

27. Have you ever been in love with someone who wasn’t available to you? Available is an interesting word. I don't know- I don't think so.

28. What song are you listening to now? Veruca Salt, Break Up Song

29. Name 6 of your favourite bands and singers: Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Pink Floyd, Billy Joel, Ani Difranco, Bruce Springsteen

30. How often do you listen to music: As often as humanly possible.

31. How would you describe your music taste: I like good lyrics, well written music- I tend to lean towards folk, classic rock and really loud music in general. Hate dance music, unless I'm at a bar dancing.

32. Is the music you like a strong representation of you and your personality? Yes.

33. Can you sing, or are you in a band? I've been told I can. Depends on your opinion I suppose.

34. Favourite Films (list a minimum of 3): Ugh- this is tough. Usual Suspects, Momento, Requiem for a Dream, Clockwork Orange, the Muppet Movie ( :D ), Rocky (*SIGH*), and oh so many others. There are so many to choose from, this list changes all the time.

35. Favourite T.V shows (list 3): 24, LOST, West Wing and Gilmore Girls.

36. Favourite Drinks (list 3): Rye and Coke, Gin and Sprite, Tequilla in general.

37. Favourite Ethnic Food (Don't just put down "Chinese".. what specifically..): Just about anything East Indian- I love curry!

38. Favourite Snack Items (list 3): fruit, chips (I love salt), suckers.

39. Favourite Books (include authors): Lois Lowry (The Giver), Stephen King (The Stand), Milan Kundara (Laughable Loves) to name a few.

40. Favourite Drawing Medium (ie. Pencil, Pastels, Conte, Charcoal): charcoal.

41. Favourite Cereals (list 2): I'm pretty lame here. I love Rice Krispies and Cheerios. I suck.

42. Do you have a big family? I have a big family if you count all the marriages. To me, there are only 3 of us.

43. Who are you closest to? Family: Antoine. Friends: Tough to call right now. Probably Phil.

44. Do you get on better with your mum or your dad? mom.

45. Do you get along with your siblings? I did.

46. Who lives with you? 2 roommates. A couple.

47. Are your parents divorced? Yes, they were.

48. One best friend or a lot of friends? Lots. "Best" is a silly label. Everyone is equally important in their own way.

49. Who was the last friend you hung out with, and what did you do? Tasha. We watched Family Guy.

50. Who was the last friend you chatted with on the phone? Ashley H. she's on her way here.

51. Is there one particular thing you can do with one friend that you can’t do with any of the others? cry.

52. Who can you tell all your secrets to? No one.

53. Who was the last friend you were annoyed with and why? I try not to get annoyed. there's no time. Either way, not answering that question in a public forum. Privacy and discretion are general good friend policies.

54. Which friend do you share most in common with? Depends. Some I share music with, some style, some political views, Some movie taste; there's no one who is "the most like me".

55. Do you have a mobile phone? yes, that I am addicted to.

56. What make is it? LG

57. What do you use it for? Everything except internet. That's what Rufus is for.

58. Who is the first person listed in your phone (book): Adam, and Phil is first on speed dial.

59. What’s the situation with the weather right now, where you are? strange. Not snowing. Just windy. But warm. Weird.

60. Do you like rain? Love it.

61. What time is it? 9:50 pm

62. What are you having for dinner? I had a piece of pizza

63. What are you going to do tomorrow? Figure that out when I get there. I love fridays.

64. What was the last movie you watched? Chuck Norris, Fire Walker. It was awesome.

65. What are your favourite names?
1) Chloé
2) Angélique
3) Alissa or Gabrielle or Zara (they're tied)

1) Alexandre
2) Sébastien
3) Michel (after my dad)

66. What’s your favourite take out food? Chinese. Ginger Beef. Mmmm....

67. In single words (not sentences) describe your personality: Complex, guarded, experimental, opinionated, caring.

68. Name a few people you can’t stand: nope. Uncool. Trashing others is not high on my list of things to do.

69. When was the last time you laughed hysterically and why? Yesterday in a msn conversation. Cause it was funny as hell.

70. When was the last time you were scared and why? Every day for the last month. Mortality is a scary concept.

71. How old are your grandparents? No idea, 3 are deceased and my grandmother never ceases to get younger. Though in real life, she's probably around 75.

72. What’s your nearest church called? St.Joseph's Chapel.

73. The last time you ate birthday cake? About 2 months ago.

74. The last book you read? The Bible. Again. I'm lame.

75. The next book you’re going to read? Don't know yet.

76. Do you have fantasies (Whether sexual or not, you tell me): not really. I'm a pretty realistic person.

77. Who was the last person who showed you affection? I have amazing friends. They all show me affection all the time. Well, most of the time. In general, tons of affection. The last was Tasha, but I'm sure others will as I see them through the night.

78. What’s your favourite Shakespeare play? Much Ado About Nothing.

79. When you go into a bookshop, which section do you head for? Cooking books.

80. When was the last time you were so overly annoyed, you wanted to scream blue murder: Last night.

81. Who was the last person you spoke to through IM: IM? Krystal.

82. What’s the date today? February 9, 2006.

83. If you died, what song would you want to be played at your funeral? Pay attention guys: MY WAY, Frank Sinatra. Yes, I am that arrogant.


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