Zita's Little World

Just a random series of thoughts that run through my head.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Stupid Pain...

Nothing worse than being awake late at night in pain. Boourns. So- to kill the boredom/frustrated blues- here's another stupid ass quiz. These things keep me amused. I must have an easily amused mind.

1. Your Full name: Let's keep this simple: Zita Katrine Dube

2. Do you feel like your name fits you? I guess. Don't know. I kinda think that Katrine suits me better, but only if it's said in french. Otherwise, it rhymes with Latrine, and that just grates on my nerves! I know that Kate didn't really suit me too much. But Zita seems to work.

3. Do you have an alter ego? If so, what is his/her name? Yes. By Day, I am Zita, regular average every day girl. By night I am Devonia Botanica, porn star from hell. She's a got a green thumb, cause she ain't afraid of a little gangreen...

4. Where were you born? Fort Saskatchewan, AB. That's right....get the laugh out of your system while you can.

5. Where do you live? Good old Edmonton. just off whyte. In a ghetto ass neighborhood.

6. Do you like to travel? Yes, though I don't particularly feel the need to travel far. I'm happy with a road trip to C-town once in a while.

7. What is your birthday? The day on which I was born...if you want to know WHEN my birthday is, it's april 21, 1981.

8. Do you have siblings? Sure do. Though sometimes I don't like to admit it.

9. Do you have pets? Tasha. She isn't quite domesticated yet, but I'm working on the potty training :P (love ya baby girl!)

10. Which was the happiest year of your life? 1998-1999.

11. How old do you wish you were? I sort of like my age. I'd stay anywhere between 20 and 25 for the rest of my life I think.

12. A movie is being made about your life. Who would you cast to play yourself? hmmm...though question. Off the top of my head, Joey Lauren Adams. Just cause I like her a lot.

13. Who would you cast to play your significant other? (if you have no significant other, cast someone anyway): Hmmm...if we're going with exes, there are a few. But let's not do real people- that always gets ugly. Let's do pretend significant others, in which case Jason Lee. Man, I love that guy.

14. How would this movie end? With a cliffhanger, prepping the audience for the sequel. I'm totally a trilogy.

15. Is it better to be famous or infamous? neither. Both are overrated. If I had to choose, I'd likely go with infamous. Infamous people seem to have more fun.

16. Youre going to die a natural death. What is the cause? cancer. or diabetes apparently.

17. Youre going to die a sudden, tragic death. What is the cause? A plane's jet engine falls out of the sky and lands on me...oh wait, that's been done. Okay, I always kind of figured I'd get shot by a clown. It strikes me as being poetically ironic...

18. How long do you plan on living? Until i can't anymore.

19. What was the last song you got stuck in your head? Walking in Memphis, Marc Cohn.

20. Sing any commercial jingle. "Cars cost less in Wetaskawin"

21. What is your favourite element on the periodic table? LIthium cause I love Nirvana. Or Einsteinium cause it sounds ridiculous.

22. Sunrise or sunset? sunset if I'm sober. Sunrise if I'm drunk.

23. Introvert or extrovert? Both. Depends on the situation. Though I'm WAY more introverted than people think. I just fake it well. Crowds of people scare me, and I do far better and feel more comfortable in very small and intimate settings than I do in socially full ones.

24. Creation or evolution? Both. I believe that they can co-exist.

25.Action or reaction? I'd like to say action. But I think I'm more of a reaction person- probably because it takes me forever to actually reach decisions about what actions to take since I'm WAY too analytical for my own good. If it's NOT a big deal, like choosing a movie, then Action. But the more it matters to me, the more I REACT rather that act.

26. Unity or individuality? Again, I'm not sure that you ever have to choose one or the other. I'm a big fan of the ying-yang motif.

27. Hugs or drugs? Hugs. I'm a hug whore. Drugs are overrated.

28. Animal, vegetable, or mineral? Animal.

29. Popsicle, creamcicle, or fudgecicle? fudgecicle before I got sick. Now I get frozen fruit on a stick. LAME!

30. Fight or flight? Flight. As argumentative as I can be, I hate confrontation. I avoid it at all costs. Nothing upsets me more than when I am fighting with people or when people are upset because of something I did.

31. Who is your favourite historical figure? Elizabeth the First.

32. Which historical figure could we have done without? I'd like to imagine a world without a Hitler, or kahn or another "super villain", but there's no way of knowing how things would be different. Tragedy, as awful as it is, is a necessary part of human existence.

33. What happened in the last dream you remember? I was running in a tunnel, with a baby in my arms. And there was a light up ahead that kept looking like it was getting closer but just when I would almost get there, it would get pushed back again. And I was being followed. But I don't know what was following me. I have some pretty strange dreams.

34. Do nice guys really finish last? they may finish the race last, but they win the tournament. That's what my mom said. And my mom is very smart. So I'm going with that.

35. What are your favourite boy names? I have covered this so many times, I refuse to do it again. So I'm going to give my LEAST favorite names: HARRY, BOB and GARTH.

36. What are your favourite girl names? As above, LEAST favorite names: mainly because it's over used, Jennifer. Jean and Francis. (mainly cause they're boys names in french...)

37. Open or closed? is this asking if I prefer the word open to closed? Or if I am open, or closed as a person? I'm going to go with the latter. And I would say that I'm relatively closed- particular about important things or personal things.

38. White bread or wheat bread? wheat preferably. But it's not a big deal.

39. Is it better to burn out than to fade away? BURN BABY BURN!

40. You put a quarter into a toy machine. What comes out? a toy. This is a silly question...okay, fine. Um. Probably something simpsons related.

41.What do you want to be when you grow up? HA! Like i'll ever grow up....but it looks like I'll be going all the way to my PHD. Which is fine by me.

42. What were your favourite childhood toys? LEGOS, Construx, my trampoline, my little ponies and toy action figures.

43. What was your first pet? Wanja, my beautiful husky. And then Jenji, my golden retriever. And Garfield, Rad and Mindy, my cats.

44. What annoys you? Stupidity.

45. What is your favourite action caption from the old batman tv show? (example. "pow" or "blam") KAPOW!

46. How many licks does it take to get to the centre of a tootsie pop? How many licks does it take till ya get to the center of the "Oh, Oh"...oh no wait, I got distracted. Tootsie pop, right. I don't know. I tend to suck on the them more than lick them. But that's just me.

47. The glass... half empty or half full? half full. And if it seems empty, I fill it up.


48. Tightie whities: not hot.

49. Mc Donalds happy meals. Grossness. Except for the toy. The toy is fun.

50. Reality shows. They hurt my head.


51. Gummi bears or gummi worms? worms. I have WAY too much fun with those things!

52.Would you rather sky dive or deep sea dive? Sky dive. I love heights.

53. Paper or plastic? If you're talking about shopping bags, plastic- unless I bring my own material bags. Paper tears.

54. What position do you sleep in? On my side. Facing the wall, usually.

55. Do you sleep on the left, right, or the middle of the bed? right. preferably.

56. Sweet or sour? sour.

57. What was your favourite after school special? ALL-STARS...the athlete anti-drug cartoon. It rocked!

58.What is your favourite word? Fish...it's just fun to say. And "fucker", which I use almost as often as I can. And when I'm upset, "chrisse"

59. Beach or mountains? mountains.

60. Mounds or almond joy? um....I have no idea what you're referring to...

61. Do YOU feel like a nut? Sure. why not?

62. To give or to recieve? To give.

63. Chocolate or caramel? Chocolate.

64. Do you have any nicknames? Yup. Wonderbutt is the most recent. Don't ask.

65. What does your name mean? Zita: "The Seeker", Katrine: "Purity, or virginity". So my name is She who seeks purity and virginity. You do the math...

66. Have you ever fainted? Too many times to count.

67.Have you ever had a crush on a school teacher? Again, it stops counting as a crush when you actually wind up being involved with them doesn't it?

68.What was the last thing you ate? A piece of artificial chocolate. sad. no sugar for me.

69.Do you have any bad habits? HA! Several. Too many to get into.


what is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear...

70. Grey...complex

71. Human...mortal

72. Fruit loop...morning

73. Glove...socks

74. Plum...professor

75. Structure...building

76. Race...victory

77. Heart...break

78. Parasite...Ugh.


79. What was your first happy memory? I remember my dog. My first dog. It made me happy. And skating on the ice rink in my back yard with my brothers. And my first gold medal, as a dancer.

80. What was your first unhappy memory? I'd rather not discuss it. It's not something I speak of very often.

81. If you could visit any time period, what would it be? I'd go see a shakespearian play, in the 1500s

82.What would jesus do? hmmm...For a Klondike bar...? Damn, just about anything. That shit is GOOD!

83. Make up a word and define it. Ferschnikered. To get "fucked up" over a situation by overanalyzing it.

84.Favourite kool aid flavour? Grape.

85. Favourite pick up line? "Hi, my name is ____________ and I'm the best you can do"

86. Who was the third gunman on the grassy knoll? Carrot Top. He's always getting into trouble.

87. What did you like to make believe as a child? That I was a singer.

88. Did you have an imaginary friend? Nope. I had real friends. Believe it or not...

89. Would you like to live in a castle or a mansion? castle. Or a lighthouse.

90. Re-arrange some of the letters in your first, middle, and last name to form a description of yourself.

91. Do it fast or do it right? Right. If you have to do it over again, you just lose more time.

92.What was the last book you read? Just finished reading The Shinning again. Great book.

93. Have you ever had surgery? HA! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...um yes.

94. Random fact about you...... I sleep talk in french twice as often as I sleeptalk in English according to my ex, who slept beside me for the better part of four years.

95. What is the first thing you wash in the shower? Hair.

96. What is your favourite cereal? Lately, I'm all about the special k. Don't know why. It's really good with drizzled honey.

97. If you could learn any foreign language, what would it be? Spanish, German, Italian and Russian- in that order, are the langugages I would like to speak before I die.

98. If you had the choice to live forever, would you? Depends what the trade off is- you never get anything. If I was the only one who could, then hells no.

99. If you had the choice to be the opposite sex for a day, would you? Yup. Absolutely.


100. Fate? Not in the way that many of my friends do. I believe that things happen for a reason, but it is not our purview to understand the reasons. All you can do is interpret them in hindsight.

101. Ghosts? yes.

102. God? yes.

103. Big foot? yes, but only because my dad did. long story.

104. Soul mates? Sort of- I don't think there's only one for each person. But I believe that some people share spiritual connections that extend beyond their grasp of understanding.

105.Aliens? sure. Why not?

106.Angels? yes.

107. Loch ness monster? I'd like to. Betcha Nessie is really cute.

108. Heaven and hell? Not in the traditional sense, but yes.

109. The Zodiac? Sort of- I believe when you are born hugely impacts who and how you will be.

110. Love at first sight? Nope. love is fostered and must be developped.

111. Karma? Again, not in the traditional sense. But in the vague idea of "what goes around comes around", yes.

112.Vampires? I believe that SOME PEOPLE BELIEVE that they are vampires. I don't believe that drinking blood makes anyone immortal. I just think it would give you a bad belly ache. And like HIV.


113. If you had any super power, what would it be? Flight.

114. Would you use your power for good or evil? hmmm...I'd likely use it selfishly at first. Then I would try to use it for good. Then no good would come from it. And I would grow bitter and jaded and become a super villain.

115. Name something nostalgic. 80s cartoons.

116. What are your turn ons in the opposite sex? A sense of humour and intelligence. Also, an understanding of who they are and how they fit into the world helps.

117. What are your turn offs in the opposite sex? stupidity. over sensitivity. delusional behavior

118. What was the best compliment ever given to you? that I am most beautiful when i am crying, when I am scared and when I am vulnerable. Sounds weird- I guess you'd need to understand the context. But I've always remembered those words.

119. Which character from Scooby Doo do you most relate to? I hated scooby doo. Don't know why. Just hated that cartoon.

120. What is the worst trend of the present time? Letting our little girls dress up like skanky hoe bags. GAH! and purposefully showing G strings. Tacky.

121. Beer or wine? depends on my mood.

123. You cant sleep. What do you do? Stupid online surveys about nothing. Or compose. A lot of composing.

124. Do you wear jewelry? seldom, though the little jewelry I have, i adore.

125. What is your favourite smell? freshly shampooed hair (I know,I'm weird), or vanilla.

126. What was the best decade of the past century? 70s.

127. Which is your favourite month of the year? june.

128. Do you smoke? Working on quitting. Again. Ugh.

129. Do you drink? Do I breathe?

130. What was your favourite subject in school? Etudes Sociales!

131. What was your worst subject in school? Math. dumb dyslexia.

132. If you had to give up one of your senses, what would it be? taste.

133. Do you follow your head, your heart, or your crotch? All three. In this order: Head, Heart, Crotch. Unless I'm drunk. Then inverse them. ;)

134. Do you truely know who you are? I know who I think I am today. I am always changing and evolving. So I guess I'll never know who I will be tomorrow.

135. Are you superstitious? Not particularly.

136. Are you sentimental? yes, though I don't own up to it a lot. there's a closet hopeless romantic in me, that doesn't come out very often.

137. How many times a day do you eat? as of a week ago, anywhere between 4 and 8. Silly diabetes.

138. Are you more of a main idea or detail type of person? Detail. A main idea is only good if it can be acheived. Identify the problem, find the solution and figure out how you're going to acheive your solution.

139. What is your favourite pie? Lemon Meringue.

140. Have you ever been close to death? I think I kinda still am.

141. Do you like roller coasters? Love them. SO SO SO MUCH!

142. Apples or oranges? oranges.

143. Are you hyperactive? I have my moments, though in general I'm pretty subdued. Depends on the setting and the circumstances. If I'm nervous, upset or uncomfortable, I come off as hyperactive. the more comfortable I am, the more laid back I am.

144. Do you talk in your sleep? yup. Well, I did. Don't know if I still do.

145. What is your favourite holiday? Hallowe'en

146. Do you go to church? yup.

147. At what age do you think you will be married? No idea. Again, trying to predict the future is a silly pastime.

148. If you could open up your own business, what would it be? A music school.

149. What was the name of your first boyfriend/girlfriend? Aaron.

150. What is your weakness? fear.

151. What was the last movie you saw that made you cry? Big Fish.

152. If love were a flavour, which flavour would it be? Vanilla.

153. If hate were a flavour, which flavour would it be? Olive.

154. Have you ever been prescribed any drugs? Which ones? Too many to keep track of or to write down on here. Just trust me when I say A LOT.

155. Is lying sometimes necessary? yup. Though it should not be overused.

156. Bubbleyum or bubblicious? bubblicious

157. What is your favourite curse word? "fucker"

158. Do you have any birthmarks? yup. Several.

159. If you could visit anywhere in the US, where would it be? Colorado. Skiing there is great! Followed by New York.

160. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be? Egypt really appeals to me. It will be second. First, Greece.

162. Do you feel like your physical self matches your personality? I guess so. Never really thought about it.

163. What was the name of your kindergarten teacher? as if I know that...

164. Do you wear glasses or contacts? Both, though I wear glasses seldom.

165. How tall are you? 5'7"

166. How tall would you like to be? 5'7" works for me.

167. Your current mood: bored, and starting to get tired.

168. Do you dress up for halloween? Sure do!

169. Have you ever been in a car accident? yes. a few actually.

170. What is your favourite lucky charm? never had one.

171. What colour of underwear are you wearing? pink

172. Do you tend to date people younger or older than you? same age. A little younger, seems to be a trend.

173. Do your exes look alike? Nope, but they have similar characteristics. Blondish hair, light eyes. Same approx. height.

174. Do your exes act alike? HA! NO

175. Have you ever been in love? yes.

176. What is your favourite kids movie? Alvin and the Chipmunks or the Carebear Movie or the Muppet Movie.

177. Have you ever hallucinated? yes.

178. What do you like most about the opposite sex? that most guys are just straight up. Very few are into head games.

179. What do you hate most about the opposite sex? how difficult trying to have a serious conversation can be.

180. Have you ever been on a blind date? yes. Worked out great for a while.

181. Would you want to be cloned? Nope.

182. Have you ever peed in public? well, yes, but only on camping trips or at bush parties at friends' houses.

183. Are you an optimist or a pessimist? generally, i'm an optimist who has her pessimist moments.

184. How did you find out that there was no santa claus? What? There's no santa claus???

185. Pancakes or waffles? waffles

186. Are you on a diet? not by choice.

187. Why is the grass always greener on the other side? cause you spend all your time looking at it, instead of taking care of your own grass.

188. Do you always want what you cant have? nope. in fact, I tend to not want what I can't have. With notable exceptions.

189. Do you act stupid around someone you have a crush on? I don't think so. You'd have to ask them.

190. Have you ever been arrested? yes, but not convicted.

191. Can you cook? I like to think so.

192. Do you think its wrong/weird if a girl asks a guy out? Nope. I just would find it confusing. I've never been on a "date" before.

193. Do you have any allergies? Ginseng. And now sugar.

194. Ketchup or catsup? ketchup.

195. Do you believe there is a meaning to life? If so, what is it? Yes. but I don't know the answer to that question.

196. What do you think about before you fall asleep? whatever is playing on my tv. Or whatever happened that day/night.

197.What are your thoughts on the nature of good and evil? that they are intrinsically interconnected, and completely co-dependant on each other.

198. Step into your cave. There you will find your power animal. What kind of animal is it? an owl.

199.What does your power animal say to you? Be strong, and never stop loving

200. End this survey with a quote: "Well, is it dark enough? Can you see me? Do you want me? Can you reach me? Or, I'm leaving. You'd better shut your mouth and hold your breath, and kiss me now and catch your death....or I mean this..." (Nathalie Merchant, My Skin)


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