Zita's Little World

Just a random series of thoughts that run through my head.

Monday, June 06, 2005


So I'm on top of the world...well aside from being violently ill, which sucks. But in general life is amazing right now. I am doing my best to not revert back to my crazy paranoid "all this will soon end" Zita and trying my damndest to just enjoy the euphoria while it's here.

WORK: I love my job. I had to take a few days off last week due to illness- and I realized just how much I love what I do. My co-workers are some of the most intelligent and capable young people I have ever encountered, and I am truly priviledged to have the opportunity to work with them. I'm actually pretty content with my workload- a lot of this stuff is super interesting (I know, I'm a nerd) and I love feeling like I'm doing something useful again.

HOME: I love where I live. I love my roomate. I love our gym and our pool. I love the fact that we have a balcony that we never use except to get fresh air in the apartment. I love making popcorn and watching hour and hour of the Simpsons. I love doing hair and makeup with Sarah and hack talking (again, did I mention that I'm a nerd). I love how close I am to everything.

PERSONAL: My friends rock my world. I am so lucky to have them. I kind of feel like I am expanding my horizons in friendships recently. I've been spending a lot of time with a different circle lately and I adore it. They are among the most down to earth and real people I've ever met. We have amazing discussions about philosophy and society- and then drink ourselves silly and laugh at each other for hours. It's awesome.

FAMILY: I'm so glad Antoine is home. I had forgotten how much I missed him. He's the coolest ever. And I'm glad that my mom is around the city lately. It's been nice to see her so much.

SCHOOL: The more I study, the more I realize how much I adore what I'm doing.

LOVE: i don't wanna talk about it.



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