Zita's Little World

Just a random series of thoughts that run through my head.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The excitement of a new year

Well, here we are, September again. I admit, I'm pretty excited for this upcoming year. Having finally been cleared to go back to work and school by my doctors, I'm definately looking forward to getting my butt out of my apartment and back into the real world.

So here is an update of sorts for those of you who still take the time to read this.

Personal life: Well, I must admit, I have the best friends ever. I'm in a ridiculously happy relationship with a man that I not only care about a great deal but respect and admire incredibly. No girl should be this happy, but I'm certainly not going to complain about it too much. Just to say, he's great. Aside from him, I still spend a lot of time with the same small group of people. It's nice to let things mellow out a little bit- I got pretty sick of always being in massively social situations. My life now generally consists of work and of late night movie watching with the boys. It's awesome. That being said, our taste in movies could use some improving. Dark Water was AWFUL!

Work: Work is good. I'm working retail now in a small specialty shop on Whyte ave. It's pretty quiet, and being on my feet for eight hours at a time can be daunting, but I really like it otherwise. It was exactly the quiet kind of job I needed to get myself back to normal. I will be working there throughout the school year, and so my friends can expect to get many random cards from me. Gotta use my 25% discount somehow I guess.

School: Finally finishing up. Hard to believe at times, but even I will graduate eventually! I was really disappointed in not being able to graduate last year as expected, but I guess life is full of unpredictable things. I like the courses that I'm taking, and I have a pretty good schedule so I can't really complain too much. Looks like it will be a bit of a busy semester but so be it.

Family: Antoine is doing well. Happily living with his girlfriend now, in the FAC area. Don't get to see him quite as much now, since he's working a lot as a corrections officer. He seems to enjoy his job. I think my mom is doing well too, but I hardly ever talk to her so your guess is as good as mine I suppose.

Anything else? Not really. Like I said, my life is a pretty quiet...almost serene at times. Had an amazing road trip to vancouver. Went to visit an old friend. Needed the break in a serious way. I'm pretty excited for Hallowe'en cause I'm making my friends come over to carve pumpkins. That's right, I'm as much of a dork as I always was....some things never change!

So I guess that's it on my end. I will try to write more often from now on, though I don't often find the time or even have that much to say. So for now, I'll leave it at this...catch you all on the flip side!

Livin' Lovin',


  • At 1:48 PM, September 21, 2006, Blogger Zita Dube said…

    AH HA HA! Hallowe'en bar night...whoa. What a night. I was so drunk the next morning that I passed out on the steps of humanities. Silly Silly Zita.

    You need to help me brainstorm gifts soon...one year. Wow.

  • At 11:14 AM, September 22, 2006, Blogger Al B Here said…

    Hi Zita!

    Nice to see things are on-track for you. But you're wrong about one thing--you do deserve to be as happy as you can be!


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