Zita's Little World

Just a random series of thoughts that run through my head.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

A sad day for the "free" world

Well, looks like Bush has done it again. I don't know how he pulled it off four years ago, and I don't know how he pulled it off last night but it appears that we are in for another four years of Bush Terror.

This election is only the latest one in a string of disappointing elections this year. Though there were some surprises (Mandel for Mayor: who would've thunk it?) generally political life seems to be getting more and more redundant and less and less effective.

Alberta is currently walking into an election at the end of November. I would care, but it's not worth it. I already know who is going to win. What's the point in trying to change the outcome of a race that was predetermined months (if not years) ago. The saddest part about last night's election is that I knew the results ahead of time. Days earlier, in a discussion in one of my poli-sci classes, I had announced what was already know to the political and informed world: it will come down to Ohio and it will go Republican. I guess the last part of that statement was a fifty fifty in some people's eyes, but to me it was a clear as day. And that's EXACTLY what happened.

I suppose I should be happy that the Americans had the highest voter turn out in years, but I just can't seem to get myself motivated about a number that barely breaks the 50% mark. I guess the truth is I just don't understand people. I don't get how people can not care, not vote, not be interested, not think critically.

I had the opportunity to have a few words with some hardcore Bush supporters. I will give them the benefit that some ("Some") of them had a very distinct and critical opinion for liking Bush's presidency. Most, however, spewed off phrases like "protector of the free world", "champion of democracy", "leader on the global field"... Excuse me for one second, I have to go and vomit...

Okay, I'm back. I won't comment on those comments made. They aren't worth my time.

Bush, to date, has not proven to be a good President. Does that necessarily make him a bad one...nope, I guess not. Does he have some policies that are not completely deplorable...perhaps. But to me, he is nothing more than a symbol of the worst of his country and I am sad to know that we are looking at four more years of his control.

But not as sad as I am about four more years of Klein and the PCs.
I hate elections.

Rantin' It Up,