Zita's Little World

Just a random series of thoughts that run through my head.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

All Good Things...

So life hands you some serious surprises sometimes. You don't really see them coming. You put all your eggs in one basket, expecting a certain result; and then, Bam! everything changes. And it takes a while to catch your breath. And once you have, you start to realize that the journey ahead will be as difficult as the one you just overcame.

Apparently, I'm getting better. Or at least that's what I'm told. That's exciting.
But there is a fear to knowing that you have to put all the pieces back together and pick up all the balls you dropped along the way. It's pretty scary. Almost as scary as being sick. But not quite...

I have a new song- no particular inspiration for it. Or at least not one I'm willing to share. Again, please don't read too much into it. It's just a song. (www.poetryandpromises.blogspot.com)
I hope my creative streak wasn't dependent on my being sick. It's been nice to be musical again. I had forgotten how much i missed it.

yeah- just the ramblings of a girl, who is a little on the overwhelmed side.

The most stubborn thing I have ever done is insist on surviving.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Random Questions

do you type really fast? - yup. I sure do.

does it annoy people who are around you (like in the library)? - probably- cause I sure do make a lot of noise when I type. i am NOT a quiet typer.

do you/did you like high school? - Yes. particularly boarding school. Though I didn't know that I liked it at the time.

how old are you? - Old enough that answering that question makes me a little sad.

do you know anyone who has the same birthday as you? if so name them - Yes. Two. Lynn Moulun, one of my childhood best friends. And Roza Orlova, one of my current closest friends.

favorite pen color - Black. So original. I know...

what word do you constantly misspell when typing? - teh. I mean "the".

do you have trees in your yard? - No yard= no trees. But I did have trees in my yard growing up.

name one comedian that everyone thinks is funny but you absolutely cannot stand - Tom Green. UGH!

name one director you hate and tell why - Michael Bay. Two words: Pearl Harbor.

do you like tim burton? - Yes. I really really do. In fact, he ranks in my top five favorite directors, along with Oliver Stone, Stanley Kubrick, Martin Scorcese, and Darren Aronofsky.

what annoys you more than anything? - stupidity. I have no patience for it.

tell me about the weirdest pair of socks you own - I have Christmas socks- they are homemade, red wool with yellow snow flakes and they are completely ridiculous. I love them.

if you woke up tomorrow morning as the opposite sex, what would you do first? - Likely, grunt. And then I would scratch my groin. This appears to be a ritual for most men I know.

did you read fear street books? - I most certainly did. In fact, I might re-read them all now as an adult cause I have a thing for nostalgia.

how about sweet valley high? - yes, though I'm a little ashamed to admit it.

babysitter's club? the boxcar children? - WHY MUST YOU DIG UP MY SHAMEFUL MEMORIES????

goosebumps? - Nope. Too old for them when they came out.

favorite show on nickelodeon (can be from the late 80's/early 90's when nick was good) - You Can't Do That On Television. Rocked my socks.

did you watch are you afraid of the dark? - A couple of times. Never really got into it.

did zeebo the clown scare you? - Who???

where do you vacation every summer? - usually at home in Falher or with my Dad in Edmonton. Sometimes in Ottawa/Quebec.

do you like the beach? - Sure, who doesn't?

do you tan or burn easily? - I burn up red like a ripe tomato without super strength sunscreen. Don't really tan.

do you make up your own words and lingo? if so tell me about it - i only make up words when I'm trying to cover up the fact that I screwed the word up. I'm kind of silly that way. I usually adopt other people's lingo very quickly. I'm not sure if they adopt mine.

do you eat lots of tv dinners? - No, I like to cook too much.

favorite hot pocket flavor - Hot pocket? Is that like a pizza pop?

if you could make one celebrity magically disappear, who would it be? - Britney Spears.

how is life treating you? - Well, so long as I am breathing, I can't really say anything other than fine.

do people like you? - 50/50. They either like me or hate me. I can understand both positions.

what do you think it is that makes the "popular" people popular? - The fact that they believed it. That and money.

what do you wear the most: jeans, cords, dickies, khakis, skirts, or shorts? - jeans. And track pants.

are you using a pc or mac? - MAC BABY!

do you like chunky peanut butter? - yes. But it should not be used in hand jobs.

what amazes you about the opposite sex? - their fascination with breast.

are you in love with anyone? - Being in love is a strong concept. I could rant about this now, but it would take too long.

do you like anyone? - I like lots of people. Like is a stupid term that should not be used in trying to define how one feels for someone else. There are so many better words out there: Think outside the box.

if so, who - Ugh. As if I would ever answer this online, even if I had an answer.

why do you like them/why are you in love with them? - K, can we move on from this topic now?

favorite cereal - Sweet. New Topic. I like cheerios. With bananas. Brings back memories of my childhood.

name a movie that makes you cry - There are only three that actually make me seriously cry: Terms of Endearment, Big Fish and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

what's something you like about the opposite sex, physically, that your friends think is odd? - Long hair.

is it true that only the good die young? - Sure- If Billy Joel said it, who am I to argue with a genius?

if so, are you going to live forever or die soon? - Well, I think I might be the exception to the rule. I will probably die sooner rather than later. But then again, I seem to be able to survive really big illnesses and walk away relatively unscathed. So maybe I'm the anti-christ.

do you live for today? - I live for today- but that doesn't mean I forget about yesterday, and don't plan for tomorrow.

how fast can you run? - Relatively fast- but mainly, I'm really good at long distances.

favorite band from the 60's/70's - Led Zeppelin.

have any of your friends had kids as teenagers? - Too many. I'm from a small town. Kinda sad really.

did they finish high school? - Some did, some didn't.

favorite 80's television show - Perfect Strangers. That was the 80s, right? And sesame street, Mr. Dressup and Astro Boy.

were you even born in the 80's? - yup. Sure was.

what year? - 1981

have you ever taught a little kid a curse word? - probably. It's the kind of thing I would probably do. it was probably in french too.

if so which one was it? - Couldn't tell you, but Tabernacle is likely.

do you think little boys are horrendously ill behaved? - Nope. Love them. Little girls are the issue. Anyone who has worked with kids will tell you that. Girls are MEAN!

have you ever thrown anything at a moving car? if so, what? - Yes. A milkshake. On my friend's windshield.

name a villian in a movie that scared you when you were a kid - The Skexies in the Dark Crystal. Man those things freak me out even today!

have you seen the original friday the thirteenth? - yes, in fact I own it.

the original chucky? - Ditto.

the original halloween? - One more time. My answers are getting a little repetitive.

what's your favorite channel? - Probably TBS.

what do you say when you stub your toe off of the corner of the coffee table? - "CHRISSE!"

what's the highest thing you've ever jumped off of and landed unharmed? - I didn't jump, I fell...off a chair lift at a ski hill. Thank God for Powder!

does it snow where you live? - Apparently it does, the last week of February. SWEET!

if yes, do you go sled riding? - YES! SLEDDING TIME SOON!

have you ever used anything weird, like a frisbee or a trashcan lid, for a sled? - YES. Name it, I have used it. Though I've never used a hulla dancer. I know someone who tried. Didn't work out too well for him though.

how many people do you know who were born in november? -3

what month has the most people you know born in it? - April

do holidays make you festive? - yes, but not necessarily in the "Yes, please play more corny ass christmas songs in the shopping mall starting November 1st" sort of way...

magazines you subscribe to - None. Not really a magazine person.

do you read the supermarket tabloids? - If there's a lineup for the cashier.

have you ever smashed somebody's halloween pumpkin? - HEE HEE> yes. DU/Pi Phi exchange. And then I made a submarine out of pumpkin guts. It was awesome.

ever had yours smashed? - Yes. I was a little sad. But we made a fake penis out of the remainder. And that was funny as hell.

do you celebrate christmas? - yes.

if not, do you still watch "how the grinch stole christmas" when it comes on television? - Well, I do celebrate christmas...I didn't know that automatically meant watching that movie. But I do watch it, so maybe the quiz is on to something...

do you think the grinch movie starring jim carrey was a waste of money? - Nope. I laughed myself stupid in it.

ever had a hot teacher? - Yes.

if yes, did you flirt with him/her? - I dated him. Sounded like a good idea at the time, I guess. Man, I need to stop acting on "good ideas"

how do you treat people you are attracted to? (this is not a stupid question; some people are immature and are mean to those they like) - usually the same as others. I don't tend to notice I'm attracted to people for quite some time. I'm pretty dense that way. And I tend to flirt with everyone- supposedly.

what do you want for your birthday this year? - A great party. With a party hat. I love party hats. And copious amounts of tequilla body shots.

have you ever egged somebody's house? - yes. part and parcel with being in a frat I think.

has someone ever egged yours? - Yup. I had dried egg on my window at the pi phi house forever cause the power washer couldn't reach it. GROSSNESS.

do we all go a little mad sometimes? - yup. All the time actually.

what pisses you off more than anything in the world? - Stupidity. Didn't I answer that already?

do you still go trick or treating? - No, but I always want to. No one will go with me.

do you believe in santa claus? - I believe that all children SHOULD believe in Santa Claus. Does that count?

have you ever worked in a supermarket? - Nope. thank God.

how about a restaurant? - Yes. Damn you God!

if yes, do you agree with me when i say that those are the two worst establishments to work in? - Nope. I actually kind of liked waitressing. The worst establishment is an office cubicle. UGH.

what color is your bedspread? - Which one? Actually, scratch that. All three are blue. Man, I am stupidly creative.

do your eyes change colors? - Sort of. Usually they are pretty gray. But sometimes they look more blue.

do you believe that we walked on the moon? - Um. Yes...I didn't know there was any question about it.

what's your opinion of the u.s. retaliation in afghanistan? - DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED! Trust me.

do you live by yourself? - Nope. 2 roommates.

have you ever gotten a computer virus? - Yeah. Phil fixed it. He rocks.

if so, what was it and how did you get rid of it? - I have no idea. And again, Fabulous Phil.

describe your junior high/middle school gym teacher - Gorgeous. Shy. Great to go drinking with!

how do you react when someone is talking to you --up in your face-- and they have really bad breath? - I grimace. Can't help it. Then I wonder about my breath, and get really self-conscious until I get some gum in my mouth.

what was your first date like? - I don't really think I had one. Just started hanging out with my first boyfriend and it eventually led to a super long term relationship.

did you go/are you going to the prom? - If by prom, you mean Grad, yes. My "escort" was my teacher Larry, though on paper I went alone. Our first dance was hilarious! It was great!

if you've already gone, was it good or bad? explain why - Nope. it was a great night. tons of fun. Second only to the pre-grad wine and cheese, where I had my ENTIRE grad class stay at my house. My roommate and her son somehow managed to sleep through the whole thing. I was impressed!

do you get uneasy when you see a person of a different color than you walking down the same street as you in the middle of the night? - I get uneasy when i see a male walking down the street. The fear factor of being female I guess.

if yes, do you think that makes you racist? - Nope. It makes me a man-hating bitch.

are you a vegetarian? - nope. love beef.

how about vegan? - nope. Too fricken complicated.

if no to both, do you think you could be? - not really. Again, I love beef!

have you ever given up a certain type of food? if so, what was it and why did you do it? - My doctors keep trying to put me on a crazy "NO FOOD" diet...well, not NO FOOD, but NO GOOD FOOD is probably a better term. It doesn't work too well. I am the worst patient ever!

spit out a random song lyric for me. make sure you tell me the name of the song and who sings it! - "Well, your mother told me all that I would give you was a reputation. She never cared for me, but did she ever say a prayer for me?" Billy Joel, Only the Good Die Young.

who does the chores around your house? - Ugh. Me. When I want to.

name one person who annoys you more than anyone else, and tell why - no particular person, just a type of behavior: WHITE KNIGHT SYNDROME. i hate people who believe that that they have the right to tell me how to live my life. I'm a big girl, I make my own decisions.

what movie could you watch a million times and never get tired of? - Usual Suspects.

what movie have you watched a million times, and you still laugh at the jokes? - High Fidelity.

what movie do you hope you never see again? - Dodgeball. GAH!

have you ever hugged a stuffed animal or pillow and pretended that it was your significant other, or someone you had a crush on, and then someone caught you talking to it, and stroking its soft, fuzzy fur, and laughed at you and told the whole school? - Um...no...but if you need to share, please do. It's good to talk about these things....healthy....and stuff...

do you drive? - yes. seldom.

if so, do you like to drive at night or in the day time? - Night.

has anyone ever called you a bitch? - yes.

has anyone ever called you an asshole? - Yes.

are you a bitch/asshole? - Yes. You ask like it's a bad thing...?

what's the first thing you do when you get home from school/work? - Take my shoes off.

favorite pop tart flavor - Chocolate. Though, I am not really a huge huge fan of them.

do you play any musical instruments? if so, what? - I sing and play the piano. I want to learn guitar. It's a new goal.

tell me about the best school-related activity you ever took part in - Volleyball.

have you ever built a snowman? - Yes. I'm from Canada. Who hasn't?

did you cry when it melted, or when the kid next door knocked its head off with a shovel? - No. But I beat the little bastards up.

what's your religion? - Roman Catholic.

do you try to force it on other people? - Nope. People need to make their own choices.

do you knock on people's doors at 7 a.m. on saturdays, trying to give them a pamphlet and tell them about the lord, or ask random people at the mall if they’ve been saved, yet you think that doesn’t count as forcing religion, you son of a bitch? - No, but I should...apparently that's what crazy people do.

what's the best restaurant you've ever eaten at? - The Cheese Factory...mmm fondus. Must go back there soon.

have you ever been flipping channels late at night and caught a glimpse of some porn on skinemax? yup. though I have no idea what skinemax is.

if so, did you watch it? don't say no, i know you did - Yup. Sure did. Though generally more for academic interest than sexual interest. Porn isn't really my thing. If I wanted to watch people have sex, I'd put a mirror on my ceiling.

what's the code word or phrase you and your friends use for the word SEX? - nookie. I think the popularity of that particular term with my friends is likely because of me. I've been using it for years.

is sex an uncomfortable topic for you? - Nope. It's actually my field of study.

what is the one thing in the world that just looking at it makes you vomit, or come close to it? - rats. UGH. I hate rats.

when other people vomit, does it make you sick? - No unless it smells really strongly.

do your clothes match? - usually. Though not very creatively.

what are you wearing right now? - my new pink pjs. YAY La Senza shopping spree.

did you ever have those fisher price roller skates that go over top of your shoes? - Sure did. Loved those things. They were adjustable and everything.

did you have a bike with a banana seat? - yes. I loved that thing too.

could you ride it? - of course. I'm very versatile.

have you lived in the same house your entire life? - Nope. I moved A LOT.

what’s the weirdest thing you’ve lived next to? - A church.

who is the ugliest person you’ve ever seen? - hmmm...I have no idea. Even if I did, I doubt I would recall it.

do you watch talk shows? - not if I can help it.

do you think miss cleo is full of shit? - Miss cleo? I have no idea. But Cleo on Clone High cracked me up.

if not, have you called her and wasted your money, you idiot? - um...again...Miss Cleo?

what are your thoughts on keeping animals in captivity? - Animals need space- if they can get the space they need in captivity and have a safe and healthy environment, then I'm cool with it.

what do you think of all the “superstores” that are popping up everywhere? (super walmart, super k-mart, super target)? - Please stop using slave labor and the blood and sweat of children- poverty should not be an automatic "use me" trait.

what do you think of pop music? - pop music is a term used to describe "popular music"- it's very generic. I dislike some types of pop music- R&B, Dance and Teen in particular. But I like other pop music like Rock, Indie and Folk. Intro to Pop Music was one of the best classes i took at the U of A.

tell me something i don’t know - Ummm...I thought I did. What the hell was this survey about if it wasn't that? Stupid survey. I need sleep. Stupid insomnia. Gah.

K- done now.